Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ahh...the Internet

I recently started a Twitter, mainly because I needed a break from studying for finals and couldn’t think of anything else. (Rediscovering Yahoo backgammon and XKCD helped solve this dilemma.) Basically, since the rest of my family was so into Twitter- or maybe just Yac- I thought I was missing out on something. I wasn’t really.

But I did download TweetDeck, and I check it once in a while. On Friday, while my Mom’s baking cookies (I know, I have it good) I open it up and notice she posted:

'm adding macaroons to my chocolate chip cookies. Where no man (person, woman) has gone before. I sure hope they don't notice.

I yell into the kitchen “adding macaroons? Sure that’s a good idea?” And she replies: “Arggg- you weren’t supposed to know!”

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finals Logic

1. Material worth less than 1% of the test is considered insignificant

2. Insignificant material is not worth studying

3. Each piece of material is probabilistically worth less than 1% of the total final grade

4. It is not worth studying at all for the final

5. I should probably take a course in logic.