I came completely unprepared.
1. Stop at Best Buy on way home from shul to look at webcams and hard drives. No significant sales; go home.
2. Buy webcam off ebay for $10 less than was at Best Buy.
3. Head over to Carson's to get Aba coat, and see if mine went on sale more since getting it on Wednesday. (5 minute drive)
4. Spend about half an hour looking for a parking space. Getting honked at, honking at others. F-bombs galore.
5. Find a parking space, head into Carson's.
6. Find last right type of coat that's size large. Also get gloves that are 50% off.
7. Get to front of line. Random woman hands me $10 off coupon, because she has no use for it.
8. Get done with transaction. Ask for receipt. Told "its in the bag" which is overflowing with coat.
9. Leave store. Discover receipt "not in bag".
10. Spend 20 minutes looking for car. Numerous people looking for parking ask me where I'm parked. I embarrassingly tell them I have no idea.
11. Take wrong exit out of mall. 5 minute drive turns into 15 minutes.
12. Get home, determine this was slightly more interesting than normal routine; i.e., blog-worthy.
An Ugly America
1 month ago